ParlEE Plenary Speeches V3 Data Set Sylvester, Christine; Greene, Zachary, 2023, "ParlEE plenary speeches V3 data set: Annotated full-text of 10 million sentence-level plenary speeches of six EU legislative chambers",, Harvard Dataverse ParlEE Plenary Speeches V2 Data Set Sylvester, Christine; Ershova, Anastasia; Khokhlova, Aleksandra; Yordanova, Nikoleta; Greene, Zachary, 2023, "ParlEE plenary speeches V2 data set: Annotated full-text of 15.1 million sentence-level plenary speeches of six EU legislative chambers",, Harvard Dataverse
ParlEE Plenary Speeches contains the full-text speeches from 20 legislative chambers for Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, European Parliament, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, covering 2009-2019. This data set provides the plenary speeches split to the sentence-level annotated with date, speaker, party, EU vs. Domestic politics classification, and relevant policy area (using the Comparative Agendas Project coding scheme).